Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dissection 1: Clam

Background Information:

Mollusca (Clam)

Different clam species can live in fresh and salt water, meaning they are found in most lakes, rivers, and oceans. Usually clams are found near the shoreline in shallow waters that are muddy or sandy.

Clams are filter feeders meaning they take in water, and filter out particles of food before expelling the water again. The particles clams ingest are usually smaller organisms such as plankton.

Similar to the way they feed, clams respirate by filtering water through their gills. Water is moved into the gills and throughout the body by cilia. Clams intake very little oxygen, about less than 10% of the oxygen present in water.

Fun Fact:
Clams do not have a head nor limbs, meaning they have none of our major senses. They do not see, hear, or smell anything.

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