Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dissection 5: Earthworm

Background Information:

Lumbricus terrestris (Earthworm)

Earthworms usually live in mud around freshwater, or under to soil on land. They require moist soil in order to  thrive. Usually earthworms live within the top meter of soil, and spend most of their time just below the surface. This is an ideal area for earthworms because the soil is damp and there is plenty of food.

Earthworms feed on decomposing plant material. Living near the surface of the soil is ideal for them because there are plenty of dead plants for them to eat. This includes, grasses, leaves, and even dying roots.

Unlike most animals, earthworms don't have any lungs. To breathe, absorb oxygen through their skin. Oxygen absorbed through the skin does directly into the worms bloodstream. An earthworm's skin must be moist in order for it to respirate.

Fun Fact:
A worm must always be damp, but it cannot live in water. A worm's skin cannot absorb oxygen from water. This is why after a heavy rain, earthworms must surface. After a storm, the soil becomes so damp that the worms will suffocate if they do not come up to the surface to breathe oxygen from the air.

Dissection 4: Frog

Background Information:

Frog (Amphibia)

Frogs are amphibians, meaning they can live on land as well as in water. They are mainly found in marsh areas, creeks, ponds, swamps, trees, and rain forests. Their habitats must provide enough moisture to keep their skin from drying up, so frogs can only be found in wet areas.

Frogs are carnivorous predators. They mostly eat insects such as; flies, mosquitoes, moths, and dragonflies. The larger the frog, they larger the size of prey they can hunt. Bigger frogs can consumer grasshoppers and earthworms.

Although frogs breathe air like other land animals, they can also breathe underwater. They do this by absorbing the oxygen present in water through their skin. On land frogs breathe air, but unlike other land animals, they do this with their mouths closed. throat movements help the frog suck in air through their nostrils then into their lungs.

Fun Fact:
As an amphibian, a frog lives both on land and in water. They lay their eggs in water, and hatch as tadpoles. Eventually the tadpole will metamorphoses into an adult frog. It is only then that the frog can live on land.

Dissection 3: Yellow Perch

Background Information:

Perca flavescens (Fish / Yellow Perch)

Yellow Perches are mostly found in fresh water lakes, rivers, and streams. They require habitats with a lot of vegetation, and often live in schools (groups). Perches can live in deeper waters, but are known to reside in shallow waters during the summer months.

Perches are most actively feeding at dawn and at dusk. Young Perches eat algae and plankton, but once they mature are able to consume larger prey. An adult Perch's diet mostly consists of aquatic insects, crayfish, snails, mussels, and worms.

As with all other fish, the Yellow Perch gets it's oxygen by taking in water through it's mouth and filtering it out through it's gills. As water is carried through the walls of the gills, dissolved oxygen moves into the blood and travels to the fish's cells.

Fun Fact:
A notable feature of the Yellow Perch is it's large, spiny fins. These fins allow the fish to steer through the water without having to roll around. The Yellow Perch is a quick swimmer because of it's powerful fins and streamlined body shape that help it glide through the water.

Dissection 2: Starfish

Background Information:

Stelleroidea (Sea Stars / Starfish)

Starfish are only found in the oceans. They are classified as Echinoderms, which are not found on land or in fresh water at all. Starfish mostly live on the ocean floor or on rocks and reefs that line the bottom of the ocean.

Starfish are actually predators, often eating mollusks, clams, and oysters. However, their prey must be slow moving in order for them to catch their food. Other starfish eat dying fish and snails.

A starfish breathes through its arms. Each arm contains tubes made of very thin tissue that allow gas to travel throughout the starfish's body easily. These tubes let water in through pores so oxygen can be taken in, then carbon dioxide can be passed out.

Fun Fact:
A starfish's most vulnerable areas are located in the center of its arms, but is usually facing the surface they cling too. Once a starfish has caught it's prey, it uses its arms to break away anything it cannot digest, then pushes its stomach out of it's mouth and eats the soft tissue of its prey.

Dissection 1: Clam

Background Information:

Mollusca (Clam)

Different clam species can live in fresh and salt water, meaning they are found in most lakes, rivers, and oceans. Usually clams are found near the shoreline in shallow waters that are muddy or sandy.

Clams are filter feeders meaning they take in water, and filter out particles of food before expelling the water again. The particles clams ingest are usually smaller organisms such as plankton.

Similar to the way they feed, clams respirate by filtering water through their gills. Water is moved into the gills and throughout the body by cilia. Clams intake very little oxygen, about less than 10% of the oxygen present in water.

Fun Fact:
Clams do not have a head nor limbs, meaning they have none of our major senses. They do not see, hear, or smell anything.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Artificial Selection Lab

Introduction / Purpose:
For this experiment, each lab group in our class was given 3 different kinds of seeds. Our job was to plant and nurture them for an extended time. The end goal of this experiment was to eventually get the plants to reproduce. We would do this by artificially selecting which plants would reproduce together once they had matured. The purpose of this experiment was to demonstrate how artificial selection works, and how offspring can be specifically selected to display certain traits. It also tested how well the students could conduct a long-term experiment.

1. Each group was given a length of wicking core, three pots, and a cup of fertilizer.

2. Cut the wicking core into three sections and put one in each pot. Be sure to pull them through the hole at the bottom of the pot.

3. Fill each pot with fertilizer. Each pot should be roughly three-fourths full.

4. Plant three seeds of the same species in each pot. The species are: "Purple Stem, Hairy", "Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf", and "Non-Purple Stem, Hairless".

5. Place the pots in the tray structure, making sure the wicking core has gone through the plastic sheet and can reach the water below.

6. Water the plants everyday until the plants grow to be adults. If you are leaving the plants for more than one day, be sure to give them more water than normal.

F1 Day 5
F1 Day 6
F1 Day 8
F1 Day 10
F1 Day 11
F1 Day 14
F1 Day 15
F1 Day 18

7. After about 2 weeks, our F1 Generation plants died and could not reproduce or make new seeds, So we were given "cheat seeds" of what the F2 Generation should have been; "Non-Purple Stem, Yellow-Green Leaf".

F2 Day 1
F2 Day 1
F2 Day 39
Analysis / Conclusion:

The purpose of the experiment was to observe the generations of offspring produced from cross-pollination with the three different types of seeds that were initially planted in the pod. The F1 generation, or the first generation of offspring, grew successfully. Primarily plants with yellow petals were observed during the weeks that the F1 generation was allowed to grow. This may be due to the gene for that phenotype being dominant with the Brassica plant species.

However, no growth was observed for the F2 generation. There are several potential reasons for these results. It is possible that since five seeds were planted within the same, small space, availability of resources was limited and the seeds could not thrive without more nutrients. Another potential reason is the experimenters not watering the pod enough to provide enough water for the seeds. In order to improve the experiment, it would be suggested to more carefully measure the amount of water that is given to the plants each day, as well as allow each seed to have its own pod to be planted in. In order to control the experiment more and better observe the effects of artificial selection, it is necessary to provide the seeds with the necessary nutrients to grow, so that any growth or lack of growth observed is due to artificial selection and not another factor.